How to Install Wall Flashing Trims Video and Installation Guide
The ClassicBond One Piece EPDM system is great for large or small flat roof areas and is normally bonded on to a timber deck in one piece so no joins!
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The ClassicBond Pro Fleece Reinforced EPDM system is a high-performance, reduced shrinkage system which is ideal for large overlay roofs due to rapid installation times.
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Step by Step Installation Guide
Grind A Slot In The Wall
Chase out a slot in the wall using a mortar chisel or angle grinder. (Wall trims or lead flashing should always be a minimum of 150mm from the roof deck.
Trim Excess Rubber Membrane
After fitting the rubber membrane (Follow Main Installation Guide) trim excess membrane using a sharp knife following the chase out in the wall.
Cut Membrane At End Of Wall
Cut the rubber membrane vertically or at an angle away from the corner using a sharp knife.
Cut Elastoform Tape To Size
Cut Elastofrom to size. The tape should be a minimum of 150mm wide and extend from the chase out on to the deck and along the roof a minimum of 75mm (3"). Standard size of tape required 225mm x 150mm per end
Apply Rubber Primer
Apply rubber primer and allow to dry.
Install Elastoform Tape
Install Elastoform Tape starting at the top of the wall.
Mold Elastoform Tape Into Position
Mold Elastoform tape in to position by stretching the tape where necessary. TIP: Keep the tape in a warm place prior to use this will help its formability.
Apply Pressure To Elastoform Tape
Apply pressure to Elastoform tape using silicon seam roller and penny roller.
Install Wall Trim
Install wall trim in to the slot. Additional wall trims should be overlapped by a minimum of 75mm (3").
Drill Wall Trim
Drill wall trim and wall with a 7mm masonry drill.
Insert Raw Plug
Insert raw plug in to the hole.
Screw In Fastener
Screw in perimeter fastener using hex bit and drill. 3 fasteners are provided with each wall trim. Install one at each end and one in the middle.
Apply Lap Sealant to Wall Trim
Apply Lap Sealant to Wall Trim.